Page 45 - July 2022 ATM Special Issue 608
P. 45


                                          Melanie de Souza

         (Executive Director Destination Marketing Royal Commission for AlUla):

       We are looking to a very defined set of

           target segments to position AlUla

           lUla, which is over 200 thousand years old, is emerging as one of the region’s new
       Aup-and-coming destinations, attracting travelers from all over the world. After
       officially opening up to the world just last year, it has since expanded its flight services,
       partnering with various local and international airlines to secure flight routes to the
       area. Melanie de Souza, Executive Director Destination Marketing Royal Commission
       for AlUla, leads a team of specialists to develop the brand, digital assets, trade and
       consumer marketing, and PR to launch AlUla to the world. A marketing leader with
       an outstanding track record of achievement in the tourism and hospitality industries
       in Australia and Asia, Melanie was included in the list of Australia’s top 50 most
       innovative Chief Marketing Officers in CMO  Magazine 2018.
       Al Bayan Magazine met de Souza and following is the interview conducted.

        “ AlUla is the jewel in Saudi’s tourism crown and its story is compelling ”

       • What are your new plans post-pandemic especially that the travel  work with some of the other giga projects.
       and tourism sectors in the world are expecting to witness significant
       growth?                                             • In your opinion, what are the new tips for future travelers?
       - AlUla is in the northwest of Saudi Arabia, it is a boutique heritage cultural  - I believe that increasingly travelers are becoming very conscious of the
       and natural destination that is truly of global significance. We launched in  environment and what legacy we leave for future generations.  At the core
       October 2020 as a year-round destination and the destination has been  of everything we are doing in AlUla and fundamental to our masterplans are
       widely embraced by both our tour operator and trade partners as well as  not only principles of sustainability but how we can enhance the lives of
       our major partners globally. It is truly the jewel in Saudi’s tourism crown.   It  generations to come.   We want the 40 thousand strong AlUla community
       is amazing that we have a country which has a new story to tell  as until  to be the beneficiaries of our tourism economy and there is a lot of work
       just three years ago, its pristine assets – cultural, nature based and her-  going on to upskill them, train them and demonstrate how they can play a
       itage- were under wraps. The Saudi tourism story is a new one, it is an  critical role in customer delivery.
       unparalleled one and AlUla with its unique offering a compelling tourism
       proposition.                                        • To what extent is the Tourism  Authority supporting the new
                                                           destinations in Saudi Arabia?
       • What makes AlUla special and different from other major destina-  - The Saudi Tourism Authority is a very strong partner for us; we work very
       tions in Saudi Arabia?                              closely with them across a range of trade marketing and consumer mar-
       - At the core of our brand, we have amazing heritage. We are associated  keting programs not just domestically but internationally as well. They have
       with 200 thousand years of human history and seven thousand years of  been a terrific partner.
       ancient civilisations who have called AlUla home over the millennia. So,
       heritage is core to who we are, you just have to alight from the plane and  • What is still missing in  AlUla to make it more ready to attract
       you cannot but be amazed by our spectacular landscapes. We also have a  people?
       very strong infrastructure agenda for hotels, always with sustainability and  - We are very ambitious with our hotel plans that are under development
       a respect for the environment at the core.   These values underpin our  with several world-class brands that are coming online.   Signature proper-
       approach to built infrastructure.   We also have a very ambitious plan for  ties like the new Jean Nouvel designed hotel will make a bold architectur-
       the arts, not just embracing local creative talent but celebrating the best of  al statement.  We will continue to work with our airline partners on air con-
       the best globally.  We launched an attractive calendar of festivals and  nectivity and our job is to build out a tourism ecosystem where customer
       events and we will continue to offer this in 2023 and beyond.  experience is very much the core priority. We look forward by 2035 to be a
                                                                                 destination hosting 2 million tourists. We
       • Do you think AlUla is competing with                                    are not looking for mass tourism but to a
       other  major  destinations  in                                            very defined set of target segments to
       Saudi Arabia?                                                             whom AlUla will be positioned.
       Actually we are the giga project that is at
       the forefront of already having product                                   • What are your expectations for 2022?
       that is on the ground. We have  in the last                               - We are set to exceed last year’s annual
       year  hosted 146 thousand visitors who                                    visitation and yield,  but we want to do this
       have been great advocates about the                                       in a way that is measured and ensuring
       quality of the customer experience.  So                                   the customer experience is of the highest
       we are actually ahead of the game in                                      level.   It is not always a dialogue about
       terms of being ready and operational, but                                 numbers, it is about optimizing tourism
       we are looking forward to having comple-                                  spend and average length of stay and
       mentary experiences like  The Red Sea                                     what we can rightfully attract in terms of
       and  Amaala and indeed being able to                                      the visitor’s tourism wallet per day.

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