Page 69 - July 2022 ATM Special Issue 608
P. 69


       Amit Arora (Chief Operating Officer – Erth Abu Dhabi):
             The more Middle Eastern markets will open,
        the more it will put Middle East on the tourism map

         rth is a unique part of the enduring legacy of the late His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
       E In 1983, Sheikh Zayed envisioned the creation of a dedicated recreational space for officers of the UAE
       Armed Forces in the heart of the Abu Dhabi community. In 1997, AFOCH was born, inaugurated by His
       Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Moving forward to 2021, a new story begins for AFOCH
       with its reinvention as Erth. Bearing a name that means ‘legacy’, Erth has a fresh new look but an age-old
       mission - to provide guests with the highest quality of personalized and genuine service in the heart of Abu
       Dhabi. The new brand identity complements a refurbished resort that will be completed in 2022. Erth’s
       redesigned accommodation will provide welcoming, family-friendly spaces across 237 rooms, 42 suites and
       13 villas. Erth is a destination that encompasses comprehensive dining and leisure facilities. With a storied
       past and a unique combination of facilities, AFOCH has long been one of Abu Dhabi’s best-kept secrets. Erth
       will now build on that legacy and enable that secret to be shared with discerning guests from around UAE
       and the world. It invites guests to stay with a story and experience the past, present and future of Abu Dhabi.
       Al Bayan Magazine met  Amit  Arora, Chief Operating Officer at Erth and following is the interview

       • The travel and tourism sectors in the world are expecting a  that has been opened. Thus, the destination is really in good shape
       return to pre-pandemic levels and to witness significant growth.  and with the flight connectivity, it is a very safe and popular destina-
       What is your comment?                               tion connecting the world to Abu Dhabi.
       - I think there is a lot of pent-up demand and the restrictions have
       been lifted so we are seeing the demand coming back and tourism  * Do you have any summer packages?
       picking up very strongly. We had a great Eid, the hotel was extreme-  - Yes, we do. We are part of the Abu Dhabi Summer Campaign where
       ly busy and also during the Holy month of Ramadan we had great  we have special rates for guests staying with us as well as access to
       food and beverage business throughout all our restaurants and  the attractions such as  Yas Island and the museums so we are
       catering business. So overall the travel and tourism sectors are back  participating in the campaign that is being launched by the
       and they are very strong.
                                                           Department of Tourism and Culture.
       • The opening of Erth came in a very tough period. What is your  • Some are talking that UAE will be a stopover destination for
       comment?                                            tourists that are visiting Qatar to attend the World Cup. What is
       - Last year at the Arabian Travel Market we launched the brand and
                                                           your comment?
       this year we are talking about the upcoming development so in the  - I believe that a lot of people coming from Europe will combine and
       last quarter we will be opening the pool and beach as well as  will do a stopover in the UAE before going to Qatar or maybe after
       launching our beautiful villas.
                                                           Qatar they will stop by. It is a short flight way so there will be a great
                                                           opportunity for guests to stay in the UAE and go over and watch the
       • Did you make any renovations during the Covid-19 period?  game and then come back. That is the feedback we are getting from
       - During the pandemic, we were very busy with our catering business.  the market and this will have an incremental business for Abu Dhabi.
       Erth catering is a big part of our distribution, we are providing
       catering throughout the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in various locations so
                                                           • Are you satisfied from the occupancy rate?
       that business was very strong and the hotel refurbishment continued,  - We have still got our product repositioned so the new brand will go
       the program is still going on and we will be finishing it by the end of  live at the end of the year. Meanwhile, business has been very strong,
       this year.
                                                           our meetings and events business is also back especially that the
                                                           restrictions have been lifted. The shows at our Theatre By Erth have
       • Do you have any demands from the Department of Tourism?
       - The Department of Tourism is doing a great job and they are bring-  been ongoing and the restaurants are doing well. Overall, the market
       ing more tourists from all new markets so in general Abu Dhabi is  is back.
       seeing an uprise, new attractions are opening and this will definitely
       help the destination.                               • Are you planning to open other branches for Erth?
                                                                                 -  The focus is to open the flagship
       • Saudi  Arabia is becoming a                                             which is in Abu Dhabi and once we get
       tourism destination. Do you think                                         that going, we will discuss future plans
       this will benefit the GCC region as a                                     but at the moment all our focus is on
       whole or will lead to high level of                                       our Abu Dhabi branch.
       - The more Middle Eastern markets will                                    • How do you evaluate the Arabian
       open, the more it will put Middle East                                    Travel Market for this year?
       on the map and it will open up new dis-                                   - It is great to be back in person, now
       tribution channels for us. Saudi devel-                                   we can meet the trade in person. Last
       opments are very interesting but there                                    year was quite small but this year it is
       is so much happening in Abu Dhabi at                                      very strong and all the partners are
       the moment and a lot of tourists are                                      back so it is great to have this net-
       coming back and museums are coming                                        working opportunity in person after
       up as well as the National  Aquarium                                      such a long time.
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