Page 76 - July 2022 ATM Special Issue 608
P. 76
Khrystynn Gutierrez (Clus- :( ¿ÉªéY - á«MÉ«°ùdG ᫪æàdG IôFGO - áHÉfE’ÉH áeÉ©dG Iôj~ªdG) »côJ áéj~N
ter Marketing Executive Fairmont Dubai, Fair-
mont Ajman and Fairmont Fujairah): iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y QÉgORE’Gh ƒªædÉH A»∏e ΩÉ©H ¿ƒ∏FÉØàe
Our growth rate will be double kÉ°Uƒ°üN ¿ÉªéY IQÉeEGh kÉeƒªY äGQÉeE’G ádhO
than that of last year zájOÉ°üàbE’G ¿É«ÑdG{ â≤àdEG
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≈dEG âbô£Jh áMÉ«°ùdG ´É£b
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ø˘e ∫hC’G ™˘Hô˘˘dG ∫Ó˘˘N %70
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IOƒ©dh ∫DhÉØà∏d ƒY~j …òdG ¢Vô©ªdG »a ácQÉ°ûª∏d É¡JOÉ©°S i~e øY äôÑYh
¿ÉªéY IQÉeEGh kÉeƒªY äGQÉeE’G ádhO iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y πμc »MÉ«°ùdG ´É£≤dG »aÉ©J
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≈dEG ¿ÉªéY IQÉeE’ èjhôàdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdÉH ∞jô©à∏d Iƒ≤H ÉæcQÉ°T{ :»côJ
hrystynn Gutierrez currently works as Cluster Sales &
.zI~j~L äÉcGô°T ≥∏Nh ÉæFÉcô°T ™e äÉbÓ©dG õjõ©J ÖfÉL
KMarketing Administrator at Fairmont Dubai, Fujairah
& Ajman in UAE. In a Q & A with Al Bayan Magazine on áĪdG »a 70â¨∏H »b~æØdG ∫ɨ°TE’G ä’~©e
the sidelines of the Arabian Travel Market, Gutierrez talked
about the importance of the show and evaluated the travel πÑb ¬«∏Y ¿Éc Ée ≈dEG ºdÉ©dG »a áMÉ«°ùdGh ôØ°ùdG ´É£b Oƒ©j ¿CG ™bƒàªdG øe ¯
and tourism sectors in the world post-pandemic. She further ?∂dP ≈∏Y ºμ≤«∏©J ƒg Ée .kÉXƒë∏e kGƒªf ~¡°ûj ¿CGh z19-~«aƒc{ áëFÉL
gave us an idea about their occupancy rates. Below is an Ée ≈dEG áMÉ«°ùdGh ôØ°ùdG ´É£b IOƒY Iô«NC’G äGô°TDƒªdGh äGAÉ°üME’G ¢ùμ©J -
account of the interview.
øe ∫hC’G ™HôdG ∫ÓN IQOÉ°üdG ΩÉbQC’G kG~j~ëJh z19-~«aƒc{ áëFÉL πÑb ¬«∏Y ¿Éc
• What is the importance of your participation in the Arabian »b~æØdG ∫ɨ°TE’G ä’~©e »a IOÉjR ≈dEG ô«°ûJ »àdGh ¿ÉªéY IQÉeEG »a »dÉëdG ΩÉ©dG
Travel Market?
- ATM has been going every year but this year we are expecting more »dÉëdG ΩÉ©dG ájÉ¡f ™e ≈∏YCG ΩÉbQCG ≈dEG ∫ƒ°UƒdG ™bƒàªdG øeh ,áĪdG »a 70 â¨∏H
visitors from all around the globe because of the pandemic decreas-
ing the restrictions so it is a good opportunity to renetwork and meet ìÉ«°ùdG ÜòL »a º¡°ùJ äGQOÉÑe ¥ÓWEGh äGAGôLEG øe ádh~dG ¬H Ωƒ≤J Ée πX »a
new clients and friends. We are living in a time where we do not care .IRQÉH á«MÉ«°S á¡Lh IQÉeE’G π©Lh
about the pandemic anymore that much so it is a good thing to net-
work basically. Thus, ATM is a big event and a must for us. ¿ÉªéY IQÉeE’ èjhôàdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdÉH ∞jô©àdG Éæa~g
?»Hô©dG ôØ°ùdG ¥ƒ°S »a ºμàcQÉ°ûe ᫪gCG Ée ¯
the travel sector went very low
¥ô°ûdG á≤£æe iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y ΩÉ≤J »àdG ¢VQÉ©ªdG ºgCG øe ¬fCG ~MCG ≈∏Y ≈Øîj ’ -
during the pandemic áaÉ«° dGh áMÉ«°ùdG »a ¢ü°üîàe ¢Vô©e ådÉK ôÑcCG ¬fƒc øY kÓ° a ,§°ShC’G
• The travel and tourism sectors in the world are expecting a .kÉ«ªdÉY
return to pre-pandemic levels and to witness significant
growth. What is your comment? á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdÉH ∞jô©à∏d ±~¡J º¡ªdG ç~ëdG Gòg »a ÉæàcQÉ°ûe »dÉàdÉHh
- During pandemic, the travel sector went very low but since last year, äÉcGô°T ≥∏Nh ÉæFÉcô°T ™e äÉbÓ©dG õjõ©J ÖfÉL ≈dEG ¿ÉªéY IQÉeE’ èjhôàdGh
we are starting to see the pickup of the business. Now, it is getting good
and better especially for UAE because the markets are opening up so äGQƒ£àdG ôNBG »a åëÑdGh ¢Vô©ªdG ¬ë«àj …òdG ô°TÉѪdG π°UGƒàdG π° ØH I~j~L
we are seeing the increase and we hope it will not decrease again. kGQhO Ö©∏J »àdG á«eƒμëdG ôFGh~∏d ᪡e á°Uôa πμ°ûj ¬°ùØf âbƒdG »ah .çG~MC’Gh
• How much was the occupancy rate in your hotel and what are ´É£≤dG »a Ég~¡°ûf »àdG ᣰûædG á«MÉ«°ùdG ácôëdG õjõ©J »a ºgÉ°ùJh kÉ«°SÉ°SCG
your future plans?
- We can reach like 70 to 90 percent especially that Dubai is a trade .kÉ«dÉM
center so if there were exhibitions, we can go like fully booked and ?¿ÉªéY IQÉeEG É¡à≤≤M »àdG äGRÉéfE’G »g Ée ¯
sometimes even too much which leads us to reject bookings. Ajman
is a destination for staycation and it is doing really good like around ,Iõ«ªàe á«HÉéjEG èFÉàf ≥q≤ëj ∫Gõj ’h ¿ÉªéY IQÉeEG »a »MÉ«°ùdG ´É£≤dG ≥≤M -
70 to 80 percent and Fujairah between 60 to 70 percent. á«MÉ«°ùdG áÄ«ÑdG ôjƒ£àd á°UÉîdGh á«eƒμëdG äÉ¡édG ø«H Oƒ¡édG ôaÉ° J áé«àf
• What is the expected growth rate of your hotel for this year? äÉéàæe ºj~≤Jh ,ºdÉ©dG »a á«MÉ«°ùdG äÉ¡LƒdG π° aCG ±É°üe »a ¿ƒμàd IQÉeEÓd
- For this year hopefully it will be like double than that of last year. øe AGƒ°S kÓ° Øeh kÉ«MÉ«°S kG~°ü≤e ¿ÉªéY áfÉμe Rõ©J I~FGQ á«MÉ«°S äÉe~Nh
We are aiming for a higher one at least to recover from the previous
years where we had trouble getting occupancy. ¯ .ºdÉ©dG AÉëfCG ∞∏àîe øe hCG ádh~dG πNGO
2022 (ƒ«dƒj) Rƒ“ - 608 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG 76